We will do whatever is required to put zeal and enthusiasm in Startups. This is a message that Mr. Ravi Shankar Prasad wants to deliver to Startups. Who is Ravi Shankar Prasad? Well, he is our Union Communication Minister.
After PM, our Union Communication Minister has commented back to back in regards to boost up the digital India. This is another sign for Startups to shine.
He also advised the existing tycoons in the corporate to aided the startups as being mentor for them. Following are some of the words that he delivered at “Assocham Conference” on startups, “Can you (industry) start mentoring startups…on the government part, whatever is further needed will be done, but a simple start-up push by big corporates ultimately give confidence in them,”
In order to strengthen the confidence and cut down the fear of being failure, Mr Ravi Shankar Prasad addressed past examples as “When the telephony was started in 90s, people encountered myriad impediments and hassles as they were limited by the technology of that particular time. But now those barriers have been removed,” His quote has pointed towards the success for those Startups who know how to break barriers. No matter how much competition is there.
Though the message that he communicated was quite impressive, however the most interesting thing that he said was the meaning of Startups, “One who is willing to take a risk in pursuit of his mad ambition to succeed is a Startup.” If you are mad about your idea and have the guts to take the risk in a positive manner, you are on the right route which has only one destination and that is “Success”.
Currently, India has secured third positon in the entire world where the Startups are growing. Yet, startups are still struggling for spreading the roots into deep and It wouldn’t be wrong to hold our government responsible for it as poor policies and less guidance have turned the path into battle field for Startups.
This is not something like finding salt in wheat flour for Indian Government. They are well aware from these hurdles and this is why they are trying not to let any stone unturned to turn Startups to Enterprises. As per my last post on Sparkup the Startups, Mr Modi had already announced lots of policies and supporting new SMEs so that they can contribute in making India Digitalized.
“Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, ‘What’s in it for me?”
This is the best time for start ups to avail all the benefits being offered by Indian Government. If you have an Idea and want to push it further, do not dwell much time on thinking about success or failure because “Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them.”
Share your ideas with WeDigTech. We will polish it to make it more shinning and find out how to make it more successful. So that you can count yourself as one of the shining stars in the Galaxy of Startups.