You spend hundreds of dollars on marketing but the results aren’t just satisfying. There may be times when you feel that marketing spends graph is going up while the ROI is sliding down. There could be numerous reasons for it including, incorrect target audience, not-so-effective advertisement and others. If you think that just by increasing your marketing budget you can propel your business, than you are wrong! You need to act smart to bring in the profits. Remember, the more specific and detail oriented is your product/service promotion, the better will be the results. If you are looking for a well directed and precise marketing technique than your business surely needs a dose of Digital Marketing, a cost effective way to reach to your potential customers.
How Digital Marketing Can Scale Your Business To New Heights
When was the last time you wanted an address and you went through your newspaper or classified books? Don’t remember? There’s the answer. The world population is rapidly inclining towards the internet for every little thing they do, be it checking nearby locations, selling/buying products/services, finding recipes, etc. If you can crack the world of digital, there would be no stopping for your business.
Statistics shows that email, social, mobile marketing, display ads are all growing in 2017. Small companies are spending more and more money and time on digital because of its perceive ROI and ability to return more.
In united states, the average businesses spend $400/ per month on digital marketing. 76% small business owner think that online marketing is an important for their business.
Now, you must be wondering what all aspects are there in a digital marketing. Have a look at some of those:
Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is promotion of your services/product through social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. Based on the interests the users have chosen, your ad is more likely to hit your specific target audience instead of random people as in conventional marketing.
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
The key to success in online marketing depends on how good your SEO is. The more efforts you have put in the optimisation aspect, the better would be the results. Starting with the search terms potential buyer would likely search for the product the keywords are short listed. Then, based on the keywords content is developed that climbs up to those search results.
If you have time but no money – Focus on SEO, Social media to attract targeted traffic to your website.
Content Marketing
Behind every successful digital marketing there is high-quality content. Relevant and useful content is the soul of your digital marketing campaign, which can be in the form of blog, or it can be infographic. Moreover, it can also be a video that pleases your target audience or even effective B2B email marketing.
Email Marketing
Self-promoting or wordy emails from salespeople is not the right way of email marketing, rather it is one of the most frustrating ways to introduce yourself or company. Email marketing is about well-documented strategies and best practices. Good email marketing provides you with two vital benefits; first it makes you an ideal resource for your prospect, and second, you are always in the mind of the prospect.
Mobile Marketing
The rapid transition in the technology have, these days, made cell phones so powerful that more people are seen using their mobile devices to search and shop online. Hence, it is essential for you to seize the ongoing trend. The current era not only demands the companies to have normal websites, in addition to that they should also have an appealing mobile website.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
It’s one of the most effective ways to promote your product and increase your business. SEM is done by marketing a business using paid advertisements appearing on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). Keywords are bid by the advertisers, which users might enter when looking for certain products/services using Google or Bing. This gives the advertiser the opportunity to make their ads emerge next to the results for those search queries.
If you have money but no time – Focus on paid traffic (Google Ads & Paid social media) to attract targeted traffic to your website.
Trends In Digital Marketing
The topography of digital marketing keeps on changing with the continuous shift in trends of the online world. And to stay on the top of this competitive online market, as a business or company, you ought to stay in sync with the latest trends.
Automation & Artificial Intelligence
At present we are witnessing the rise of automated digital marketing solutions and artificial intelligence (AI) development, which can perform heavy tasks for you within lesser time compared to manpower.
Some examples of new automated and AI platforms trends that have started to emerge are:
Big Data Analytics that gets you things done automatically
Study Consumer Behaviour through better AI predictions and stay ahead of time
Advanced Targeting with the help of AI and automation can help predict user behaviour and figure out best ads for varied consumer segments.
If you have neither money nor time – focus on joint ventures & affiliate partnerships where revenue shares pay for the traffic.
Rise Of Social Media
Social media has been around for long and has now become a part of of life for people. And every passing day it’s going to evolve in a more creative and much faster way. Veteran platforms like Twitter and Facebook are sighting a decline and are being replaced by more popular ones like Snapchat and Instagram. Furthermore, new social media platforms are coming up to cater latest trends and demands.
User-Controlled Consumer Experience
Consumers by now have had enough of ‘disruptive’ types of online marketing and advertisements such as pop-ups, banner ads, promoted posts etc., which are seeing increasingly low rates of success. Here more and more consumers desire to state their own online shopping experiences. Here one of the ways digital marketing is seen adjusting to online trend is by native advertising, which makes the sponsored content organically fit into the advertising platform and seems less disturbing to a user’s online experience.
You must be looking for ways to grow your business, or may want more customers/traffic on your website, more recognition to stay ahead of the competition. We, at WeDigTech are helping businesses develop successful digital marketing strategies and offer free consultation. Besides working upon the aforementioned aspects, firstly we understand your business, concentrate on your objectives and have a thorough research on products/services you offer and put forward our strategy and recommendations to it. And then conclude with the most suitable solution that fits your business, budget and digital marketing aspirations.
Here are few reasons to add digital marketing budget in your marketing campaign:
-Users and potential customers are increasingly spending more time online.
– Digital marketing is measurable. Marketers can measure marketing investments better in digital form than non-digital channels, They can also collect data about customer interactions, reviews and opinion about the product and services.
-Increased insights into consumer behavior, Digital Marketing allow for better consumer engagement.